Are you trying to get stronger, get bigger, or build muscular endurance? To help you out I am going to list my top 5 exercises for chest in each one of those categories.
Muscles Involved in the Overhead Press
When it comes to building strength, there are 2 huge, controllable factors that determine strength. They are, in order of importance, neuromuscular coordination and muscle size. Neuromuscular coordination is the ability of your brain, nerves, and muscles to work together efficiently to produce a movement pattern. In everyday language we might refer to this as one’s technique or skill. The…
Muscles Involved in the Conventional Deadlift
When it comes to building strength, there are 2 huge, controllable factors that determine strength. They are, in order of importance, neuromuscular coordination and muscle size. Neuromuscular coordination is the ability of your brain, nerves, and muscles to work together efficiently to produce a movement pattern. In everyday language we might refer to this as one’s technique or skill. The…
Muscles Involved in the Bench
When it comes to building strength, there are 2 huge, controllable factors that determine strength. They are, in order of importance, neuromuscular coordination and muscle size. Neuromuscular coordination is the ability of your brain, nerves, and muscles to work together efficiently to produce a movement pattern. In everyday language we might refer to this as one’s technique or skill. The…
Muscles Involved in the Squat
When it comes to building strength, there are 2 huge, controllable factors that determine strength. They are, in order of importance, neuromuscular coordination and muscle size. Neuromuscular coordination is the ability of your brain, nerves, and muscles to work together efficiently to produce a movement pattern. In everyday language we might refer to this as one’s technique or skill. The…
Science vs Anecdotal Evidence
Recently I was scrolling through my facebook feed, seeing posts about new PR’s, holiday meals, and excitement about the new Star Wars movie. I came across a post from another fitness professional who is very well read and educated and whose opinion I respect. He said: Don’t understand why lifters perform reverse grip triceps pressdowns. The triceps attaches at the…
The nuts and bolts of program design
They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. Well, so is a good chart. If you are looking for guidance in creating a workout program for yourself or for your clients, this chart is a great place to start. It will ensure that you are within the key parameters discovered through exercise science to optimize your return on investment. …
My First Attempt Just Destroys Me
“I get so nervous for my first squat attempt that it just destroys my whole meet.” I heard this from a competitor while I was at USAPL Raw Nationals recently and I have heard it before. The goal of this post is to provide you with a way of approaching that first attempt so it sets the tone for the…
Head & Shin Position in the Deadlift
What is the best head position to have during a deadlift? Should your shins be vertical or not when you pull? Let’s find out. Recently Coach Mark Rippetoe put an article on the deadlift where he listed 7 crucial aspects on technique that he believed were important to follow (you can find the article here). I disagree with 2 of…
Who are the experts
When you look for an expert, what do you look for? Of course they have “know their stuff” but it goes deeper than that, right? You want someone who has “been there, done that” and also someone that explain exactly why and how it works at the same time. When it comes to building strength and fitness we don’t just…