
My Problem with Steroids

My Problem with Steroids

I have a bit of a mixed opinion on steroids.  In one sense I generally believe people should be able to do whatever they want as long as they aren’t hurting other people.  Even if a certain activity carries a higher level of risk, if an adult wants to engage in it, so be it.  I don’t think base jumping…

Powerlifting for Parents

Powerlifting for Parents

How often might the parent of a teenage boy hear these words: “I would like to be bigger and stronger, so I can..?” If your teenager says that to you, what do you? Maybe their friends have started working out and they feel left behind. Perhaps a coach suggested that they try to get a little bit stronger. It is common for high school coaches of any sport, particularly football, to recommend that their athletes lift weights to help improve their performance. Often the coaches suggest, or sometimes even mandate, that the students participate in powerlifting. The purpose of this article is to assure and inform you the parent of the risks and benefits related to powerlifting.

Skill and Arousal

Skill and Arousal

There is an inverse relationship between skill and arousal level.  Skill is the level of difficulty, precision, and motor control that a movement requires.  Arousal (no, I am not talking about that type of arousal) refers to the psychic energy one displays – how amped up you are to do something.  Too much arousal screws up very high skill things,…

Post Competition Training

Post Competition Training

As a powerlifter I break all of my workout programs down into 1 of 3 phases.  The 3 phases are: Post competition General Strength Peaking Post competition is for the time right after a meet.  You can’t just blast away intensely for 10 years straight, the longer you are in this game and the more advanced you get you have…

Should a Strength Coach be Strong?

Should a Strength Coach be Strong?

I see this question pop up every so often in various debates and forums.  Should a strength coach be strong?  Very simply put: Yes.  Please note the use of the word should in the question.  Should you practice what you preach and lead by example?  Yes.  It is ideal for a strength coach to be strong.  I can’t see how…

Becoming the juggernaut

Becoming the juggernaut

jug·ger·naut -An overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path If you had to run through a wall, would you want a head start? Hell yes you would! I believe the same concept applies to programming.  Once you have a hit a plateau and you decide it is time to blast through said wall, you want a…

The Misunderstood Variable

The Misunderstood Variable

There is one variable that is commonly misapplied in the gym. Powerlifters aren’t as guilty of this mistake (and personal trainers are among the most guilty of the bunch), but a better understanding of this key variable will facilitate gains and give one a better, and often more enjoyable, workout. What variable I am speaking of? Rest time, and when…